Corus want to safeguard our staff, services users, and clients to remain healthy and infection free from Coronavirus. Due to the nature of the work Corus carry out, we want to ensure our staff and clients are fully informed of measures to take; therefore, for the latest information and guidelines
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Corus will provide alcohol hand gel at the main reception area to be offered to all visiting our offices. Staff and Visitors will be expected to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soapy water or use hand gel sanitiser. We have a ready supply of tissues available onsite and recommend that these be disposed of into a rubbish bin once used, and that you wash your hands for 20 seconds with soapy water or use hand gel sanitiser after. We will also ensure that bathrooms have an adequate supply of washing facilities, including soap, warm water & an appropriate method of hand drying. All hard surfaces that come into contact with hands (regularly) will be cleaned daily. Such surfaces will include the following, as a minimum:
If you have symptoms you and others in your household should self isolate immediately,
should you be unable to cope with your symptoms at home contact NHS 111 or in an emergency
999 to seek medical advice. Also contact your Corus representative or the HR department
at Head Office on 0208 269 0000. Please follow this advice even if your symptoms are minor.